Most people spend 70% of their life living in stress, anticipating the worst case scenario, based on past experience, and what we're doing is we're conditioning our body into a state of fear.~Joe Dispenza
During this pandemic we are living in a time where stress is probably as high as it has ever been. People are living in fear about their health, losing their job, and the rising cost of living.
Stressful events tend to fall into one of three key categories:
Acute - Short-term events which do not last long but if traumatic, can have a lasting impact on us.
Episodic Stress - Situations which are also short-term but which we find ourselves in regularly, such as rushing to work or other recurring stressful experiences in the workplace.
Chronic - Ongoing stresses which last into the long-term. These may include the stress of illness or turbulent relationship.
Causes of Stress:
Work Stressors
Work load
Unhappy with job
Health Worries
Life Changes
Birth of a Child
Loss of a loved one
Financial Worries
Marital Discord
Physical Responses to Stress:
Digestive problems such as constipation, bloating or diarrhea
Shallow breathing or hyperventilating
Heart palpitations
Aches and pains
Talk to a trained professional about ways to manage stress if you’re experiencing any of these symptoms:
Prolonged periods of poor sleep
Regular, severe headaches
Unexplained weight loss or gain
Feelings of isolation, withdrawal or worthlessness
Constant anger and irritability
Depression-Loss of interest in activities
Constant worrying or obsessive thinking
Excessive alcohol or drug use
Inability to concentrate
I recently moved from Rhode Island where I had lived for 30 years. I left my business, my friends and the comfort of my home. I have to admit it’s been a little scary and to be honest with you it hasn't been easy. There's a lot of uncertainty, but I’ve been using the following tools that I've been utilizing for decades.
Healthy Ways to Manage Stress:
Re-balance Work and Home
Build in Regular Exercise
Eat Well and Limit Alcohol and Stimulants
Connect with Supportive People
Carve out Hobby Time
Practice Meditation, Stress Reduction or Yoga
Sleep Enough: 7-9 hours
Bond with Your Pet
Take a Vacation
See a Counselor, Coach or Therapist
Stressful situations are inevitable but how you deal with them are under your control. Reframe how you view these challenges so your past response does not define your future. They are opportunities to learn and grow. It’s important to practice self care and incorporate healthy coping strategies during times of stress. If you don’t, your physical and emotional health will suffer.